Business Valuation Houston Texas
How to Find the Value of Your Houston, Texas Business
Have you ever wondered how much your business is actually worth? Assessing the value of your Houston business can be more complicated than just working out the value of its assets. The value of a business might change depending on who you ask, but luckily there are certain consistent principles applied to any business valuation that is performed. This might seem complicated, but we can help. Our experts at Redwood Valuation Partners have years of experience in business valuation and are eager to help you through the process from start to finish.
409A Valuation in Houston, TX plus IRC 409A Valuation, and Purchase Price Allocation
Call Redwood Valuation Partners for your next business valuation (206) 660-1295
Top Reasons to Seek a Business Valuation
If you want to know exactly how much your business may be worth if you sold it, you should seek a business valuation. If you are considering selling your business, it’s critical to get a valuation first so that you can go into negotiations with potential buyers armed with knowledge and data.
In addition to how much a business is worth, a valuation can show which parts of a business are valuable. There are as many factors involved in the value of a business as there are businesses themselves. A local business that is important to the community in Houston may have a high value for that particular community, but not for a potential buyer. In contrast, a business that seems modest and small may actually hold a lot of value for a buyer. It comes down to the details.
Therefore, getting experienced accountants to do a valuation is critical. An accountant doing a valuation needs to know tax law, the audit process and finance, as well as information about your business. But the benefits of a business valuation come in many forms, from stock compensation to expenses to selling prices. However, any advantages of doing a valuation are up to you and your business. A free consultation from Redwood may help you clarify the reasons for your valuation and the best approach for your particular business.
Different Ways of Approaching Business Valuation
There are three main approaches to business valuation that an accountant or business valuator will use. While there may be other approaches, these three encompass the main methods of assessing a business’ value. These approaches to business valuation are applicable whether your business is located in Houston or not. Each business has its own particulars that will ultimately determine the approach that is the most appropriate for it.
Determining Value Based on Assets
Finding the value of a business based on its assets isn’t as straightforward as it sounds. The aim of an asset-based approach is to total the investments of a business. The business valuator tries to determine with this method what it would cost to set up anther business exactly like the one that already exists. This reveals what that original business is worth (what kinds of assets it has) and what liabilities it has. Then, the valuator can simply subtract the liabilities from the assets to figure out the worth of the business.
Of course, this approach is deceptively simple. This process gains complexity when the accountant has to decide which assets to include. A going concern asset-based approach or a liquidation asset-based approach will help you move forward with this appraisal.
One method is to look at assets with a going concern. Simply put, the accountant can subtract the value of any liabilities from the assets that the business has. In the other approach, a liquidation asset-based approach, the accountant first imagines that all the assets and liabilities were paid off, as though the business was liquidated. After a real liquidation, the business would receive cash; this now becomes the business’s value in a valuation.
Choosing an asset focused method of business valuation maybe right for your business. Asset-based approaches are not appropriate for all business. For example, a sole proprietorship in which assets are in the name of the business’ owner are not good candidates for this approach. By contrast, corporations spread out the ownership of assets throughout the company and could benefit more greatly from a valuation based on assets.
Market-Based Approach
A market-based approach looks at the market as a whole and not solely at your business. This includes looking at other businesses in Houston. A method that uses comparison to determine value take into account other factors impacting the market as a whole.
The advantage to this approach is that it looks more comprehensively at the overall business climate for your particular field. An accountant using this approach will try to determine the fair market value of your business and what a buyer is likely to pay for it in the current climate.
This approach encounters difficulties in that often other businesses are not eager to share their worth with competitors. Non-competition clauses and private information can hinder this approach, making it difficult or potentially even impossible to get the information necessary for this type of valuation.
Income- or Earning-Based Approach
The difference between an income or earnings focused approach and other approaches is that this means of valuation is concerned with the future. However, this method starts in the present, looking at the earnings of the business today to try to predict its future earnings.
It is not an exact science to predict the future of a business and therefore an earning focused approach can invite an element of risk. There is, however, reliable data to back up the value assessment made through this method. The accountant doing the valuation can even “normalize” figures to remove unusual spikes or dips that could make the assessment less precise. Sometimes, these predictions are divided by capitalization factors that fluctuate based on the market.
There are, as with other methods, additional considerations here, such as the type of business you run. How customers view a business is a factor that is not captured in income figures or market values but that can impact a business’s value.
Different Kinds of Business Valuations
Not all valuations are the same and not all valuations are confined strictly to businesses. A business valuation is not the only type of assessment that is possible. Others focus on things such as patents and intellectual property.
What is a 409A Valuation?
This type of valuation is concerned with the stocks connected to your business. Many businesses offer stock to their employees and contractors. Stocks given to employees are regarded by the IRS as deferred income given to someone in one year but actually paid in a different year.
This may seem overwhelming. Ultimately, it is a matter of reporting stock earnings. Businesses that need this form of valuation need it in order to determine the fair market value of their business. Fair market value is especially important here because employees with stock need to be able to sell it at or above that mark. If your company issues other forms of deferred compensation, including things like bonus plans, then this type of valuation may be required by law.
Often, you will know you need this type of valuation because it will be legally required of your business. Additional 409A valuations could be required at the end of a new round of funding or once a year, even if you have gotten this type of valuation in the past already.
An accountant such as the ones at Redwood can be a crucial ally in trying to sort through the 409a valuation process any time you find you need to do one. Experience and expertise are key benefits that only an accountant can offer if you have to work through a 409A valuation.
Business Valuations/Looking at Business Valuations
Some of the reasons for a business valuation include things such as entity discussions and business negotiations, but they are also useful while planning a business or estate. Maybe you are wondering how much your business can sell for right now. Others desire a business valuation when researching things such as tax liability.
Equity and enterprise valuations are best handled by a talented accountant. At Redwood, we’ve seen our clients’ needs expand as our own business has expanded. We have experienced accountants prepared for whatever your business’ specific valuation needs entail. Business valuation could include tax or financial reporting, assessment of fair market value or for purchase price allocations.
IRS regulations, business needs and finance are complex fields that call for knowledge and specialization. You know your business, but evaluating your business against all applicable laws, regulations and financial considerations takes an expert in the field of business valuation.
How to Assess IP and Patents
Intellectual property and patents have separate valuation concerns. However, this type of valuation can impact a wide range of businesses. Taxes are complex when it comes to IP and patents, but it is also important to make sure trade secrets and trademarks can be protected. Other reasons for IP and patent valuations include business planning, mergers and acquisitions and litigation support.
Make sure your patent or intellectual property is protected by understanding what it’s worth on the market. These assets can be difficult to appraise as they are often intangible and difficult to define. But the value of IP and patents cannot be understated, especially in recent times when so much of a business’s value comes from these assets in particular.
Purchase Price Allocations (ASC 805)
You may be required to do a purchase price allocation. During a purchase or acquisition, businesses seek to find their fair market value, including their intangible assets and liabilities, to bring to the transaction. The purchase price is the crucial outcome of such an evaluation of a business.
The goal of a purchase price allocation is to tease apart the pieces of a business, such as liabilities and assets, to find its fair market value. In a transaction, a lot of smaller pieces of a company can be traded and purchased and it’s important to understand the value of all of these.
What’s the Bottom Line?
Here at Redwood Valuation Partners you will find the expertise you need for your valuation. Whether your business is in Houston or somewhere else entirely, we can help you find the value of your business or intellectual property and stay in compliance with the tax code and other laws and regulations.
Fair market value is a crucial piece of information you should have about your business. Business valuations help in situations where you want to sell, sort out your taxes or simply determine the value of your various assets. Intellectual property can be assessed and protected through a business valuation. Don’t get overwhelmed by the details. That’s where experienced accountants come in to help inform and guide you. Whether it’s finance, tax issues or business, our accountants are prepared to navigate the technicalities with you.
One of our core values is teamwork, which we believe can help even in the complex world of venture capital and auditing. Our valuation associates and analysts have worked in their field for years, becoming respected experts. We know the pressures and stress of running a successful business. We value your time; let us minimize the burden of complicated valuation details while you focus on what you know best ퟀ�” your business.
Whatever your reason for getting a business valuation, we can offer client focus, experience and expertise that can make the process as easy as possible for you. Along with the obvious, our valuations include customized reports, audit defense and free consultations. We will even help you get started if you aren’t sure. Take a deeper look at your business with the customized report we provide as part of our valuations. Get a deeper look at your business that includes objective factors as well as subjective ones during the assessment. Finally, you will have nothing to fear from audits, as our audit defense is prepared to protect you should the occasion arise.
If you do want to find the value of your business or assets, having skilled assistance can be a boon. Redwood has the experts on hand to make your business valuation a painless process with lots of benefits. Find out how to get started with a consultation.
Our clients have direct access to Redwood’s managing partners and directors. You know your business better than anyone, and the valuation process includes subjective assessments that require your input. We guide you through this process, save your time, and allow you to focus on what matters – growing your business. Get a quality company appraisal in Houston, TX.
The Redwood team has performed many IRC 409A Valuation Seattle engagements, and we offer a wide variety of business appraisals to Seattle. Other services include ASC 805 valuation (purchase price allocations), IP valuation, patent valuation, impairment valuation, carried interest valuation, portfolio valuations, IRC 382 valuations, and many other types of stock valuations and business valuations.
With over 50 years of combined valuation experience, we provide top-tier expertise and client service at a reasonable price. Our experience as CFOs and Controllers of venture firms and startups separates us from our competitors who lack the boots-on-the-ground experience that our clients have, which we also share.
If you plan to issue stock options in the next twelve months or have any questions about potential valuations, give us a call for a free consultation and we will give you candid advice about whether a valuation may be needed and how we might help. Our goal is to help our clients achieve their desired goals with minimal burden.
409A Valuation Houston
Redwood Valuation Partners was formed behind an idea of service positioning us as one of the most well-respected companies in the industry. Our expert knowledge of finance, tax, venture capital, and the audit process helps us understand the difficulties of start-ups. We speak your language! Give us a call and learn how we can help. For information on Business Valuations follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook and find us on Google+ too! (206) 660-1295